Monday 20 September 2010

Guntank launch now Protect the white base

The 1/144 HG Guntank is a nice simpile easey to bild kit that only requirest paint on the polight and thats only if your a stiliker for detail apart from that you can bild it strait out of the box now haveing spent just a day roufley 8 hours and I bild the whole thing and what I ended up withb was a litile amazing figer with artilichion that can put some toys to shame in fackit it could put a lot of toys to shame but its not with out its owen falts one of them being the tank treeds are fixed and wouint move 2 the waist artilichion is very limited but theas minor falts dont detract much from a subereb modle kit the butefule detail to the subereb artilichion this is a great produck and for only £5.99 it is a steal and something I realy recomend geting.

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